Ask about RA

Royal Ambassadors

 New Insight Baptist Church  operates a Christian mentorship program for boys  called the Royal Ambassadors. RA for shorts. NIBC RA is part of a Baptist worldwide missionary organization for boys between the ages of 10 and 35.  Founded in 1909 on the principle that “it is easy to mould boys than to mend men” RA is guided by the words of 2 Corinthians 5:20: We are ambassadors for Christ. The organization in Nigeria is called Royal Ambassadors of Nigeria (RAN), so named by the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

In NIBC, our RA operates a mission, education and ministry plan. NIBC RA program is under the organizational supervision of the Men Missionary Union.  It undertakes mission field work as well as local evangelism. It offers a foundation Christian education grooming for Junior RA, boys between the ages 10 and 15, as well as a basic discipleship plan for intermediate RA, boys  ages 16 – 25. The group solid mission education and action plans is designed for Seniors in RA, who are boys between ages 26 – 35.  NIBC RA has a mandate to make real men out of boys.

Like the other Baptist Mission programs operational in NIBC, the program coordinators labour in building cooperation and capacity for ministry as well as making disciples to assume responsibilities of leadership and excellent christian living. They are opportunities in camping, team building, and networking for the young men.