New Insight Baptist Church, Ogudu GRA, Lagos started with the vision of Baptist college of theology Isolo, Lagos. The college vision was to plant new Baptist Churches in suitable locations identified in and around Lagos State.  Towards this objective, the college conducted a  survey that identified Ogudu GRA as one of the areas that is suitable to locate an English speaking Baptist Church. New Insight Baptist Church was birthed. The inaugural service was held in a big classroom at Bonnybread School Ogudu Road on Sept. 11, 2005. The members of Obanikoro and Ogudu House Fellowship  of New Estate Baptist Church, Surulere and their relatives made up most of the congregation of 35 adults and 8 children that attended the inaugural service. Two members of the evangelism committee of the Baptist College of Theology Lagos Rev. Gabriel Adeloye and Rev. (Mrs.) Funmilayo Oyebande attended the inaugural service. For obvious reasons the number of attendees in the next service declined to thirteen (Adult and Children inclusive), but the zeal of few members left was not affected. Our inaugural service guests went back to their permanent church after wishing us well.

In June 2006 Bonnybread school was sold and NIBC had relocate to Lucasta Private School’s newly built hall at 45 Ogudu Road which was slightly out of their target territory (Ogudu GRA). The two locations were rented and some prospective members were probably skeptical about the possibility of acquiring a landed property for a permanent site in the expensive real estate market of the Ogudu G.R.A and its environs. After a year and three months the owners of Lucasta Private school requested the church to leave the school hall accommodation because it was up for sell. This forced us out of the comfort of the cozy school hall in search of our permanent location. After much prayer and waiting, September 2007 was declared our month of praise. It was on 21st of day of that month, (September 2007) that The Lord granted us our request . We paid for the piece of land on which the present church building is located.

The prophetic words were well aligned. This was on our month of praise (September) in our year of Divine Establishment (2007). Two weeks later on October 7, 2007, we worshiped on the site of our church building.

Today the church which started with thirteen members has grown to over a hundred and twenty members in her register. It was not until September 7, 2007, that the New Estate Baptist Church accepted to play the role of a mother church to NIBC. This was because the vision to establish NIBC was originally given to the Baptist College of Theology, Isolo, Lagos.  On Sunday October 26th 2008, NIBC inducted her pioneer pastor, Rev. Deji Bashorun. He was officially ordained on Saturday September 5, 2009.


  • One true and living God, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, who has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Creation of all things by God for His own wise purpose.
  • The Holy Scriptures as the words of God given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus Christ as the only-begotten Son of God; His virgin birth; His full humanity and full divinity; the truth of His teaching; the perfect satisfaction for the sin of the world offered once and for all in His death on the Cross; His bodily resurrection from the dead; His ascension into Heaven; His present ministry of intercession and His coming again in power and glory.
  • The Holy Spirit by whose illumination, conviction and regeneration mankind is brought to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ; His continuous work of sanctification in the lives of believers and their divine preservation into everlasting life; and His direction of the worship, ministry and administration of the Church.
  • The fall of mankind, consequent sinfulness, guilt and condemnation of all mankind; the free and perfect justification of all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and their regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit into adoption as children of God.
  • The resurrection of the body and the final judgment of all mankind; the eternal perfection and blessedness of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost.
  • Marriage as a holy and honourable estate, instituted by God for companionship between man and woman, and for the procreation of children; and which shall be dissolved by death.
  • Monogamy as the ideal state of family life, according to the New Testament.
  • That homosexuality is not accepted as a practice.
  • The Priesthood of all Believers.

We recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, Lord and the Head of the Church. In all matters of doctrine and practice, in obedience to the will of God, we hold and adhere, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to the Holy Bible as being God’s perfect revelation in Jesus Christ as the supreme and sufficient rule of faith and conduct.The Church recognises the following ordinances:

  • Baptism (by total immersion in water)
  • The Lord’s Supper


New Insight Baptist Church is a member in good standing of the following organizations:

  • Nigerian Baptist Convention
  • Lagos East Baptist Conference
  • JT Ayorinde Baptist Association
  • New Estate Baptist Family

I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me