…You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32

SUNDAY: March 22, 2020

March is Our Month of Revival, Psalm 80:18 “We will never turn our back on you; breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name! (MSG)

Sunday school: 8:00 – 8:45am Topic: An Argument Against Corruption Text: Micah 3: 1-3, 6-12; 6: 6-8

Discipleship Classes: 8:50 – 9:40 am

Promise of the Week: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him”. Psalm 28:7

-RR 31 – Christians Abstinence

-Hymn BH 13 – “All People that on earth do dwell”

-Approach the throne of Mercy with confidence

-Welcome & Greetings


-Bible Reading – Psalm 80:18-19

-Choir Ministration

-Message – Revived! What Next?

-Closing Hymn 216 – “I Am Resolved”

-Prayer & Benediction


What next after the revival sessions? Are you going back to your old lukewarm ways now that revival services are over? The fire of revival can only be sustained when a Christian resolves to consciously deny “self”, remain committed to God and follow Him daily basis as He leads the way. Is that your commitment?


Attendance: 15/03 Adults -134 Children-70 Vist-3

Teenage: 15/03 Adults – Teenager(s) -17 Vist-

Mid-Week: 18/03 Adults – 80 Children – 26 Vst-


1. Thank God for the fire of revival

2. Father help me to sustain this new level of walking

with you

3. Lord, take me deeper in my relationship with you

4. Father, help me to stop wasting time and your

resources in my life

5. Heavenly Lord, help me to please you continually

6. Thank God for answered prayers.


Mar. 22: Deuteronomy 32-34; Psalm 91.

Mar. 23: Joshua 1-4.

Mar. 24: Joshua 5-8.

Mar. 25: Joshua 9-11.

Mar. 26: Joshua 12-15.

Mar. 27: Joshua 16-18.

Mar. 28: Joshua 19-21.

Upcoming Ministrations:

-Home fellowship meets at various centers by 5pm.

Topic: Students’ Roles in Improving and

Transforming Education.

Text: Proverbs 5: 12-13.

-Mid-week fellowship: Mar. 25, 2020. The Lord is my

Shepherd. Text: Psalm 23.

-Next Sunday’s workers prayer meeting at 7.30am will be

led by Pst. Tayo Adaramaja.

-Mar 27: Monthly Nightly Prayer (Coordinated by MMU)

-Mar 29: Baptismal and Lords Supper Services: 9am; CIC.

-We appreciate God for reviving us this past week; no

one will remain the same in Jesus name.


-Pastoral ministry member on duty this week is Dn. Wole


-Meetings: Today;Nil

-Our Tuesday Morning Prayer will hold this week by

6:30 to 7:30 am

-Departmental heads are reminded to hold their workers

retreat before Mar 31, and send short reports to the


-Let us join hands to complete the purchase cost of the bus

-Our church building approval is imminent; the significant

contribution to achieve our building project is starring us

in the face. Our God own the cattle on a thousand hills,

and we shall not lack.

-Those intending to join membership of NIBC should pick

up the form from the ushers.

-Please note the respective accounts as follows: Church

Bus Ecobank, # 3502010129; Tithes Zenith Bank plc,

# 1013310919; Welfare activities Zenith Bank Plc,

# 1015803527.


I will walk with the Lord always, In obedience and submission

In all the ways that the Lord command, Day and night will I meditate

Then, will I live, long and prosper, In the land that I will possess

It shall be well with me every day, As I live and abide in Him.